Write For Us (Guest Post)
Want to write articles and share your ideas about ecology, the environment, and sustainable living on Get Green Now?
Submit your article or infographic after reading the submission guidelines to be featured as a guest author and get a link back to your website/blog/social media. (Scroll down to the bottom of this page to submit your article.)
Ideas or concepts for article submissions can also be emailed to me for approval prior to writing the article.
Submission Guidelines (Please Read):
- All articles must be unique, and may not be a copied/republished article from another site.
- Article must be easy to read (with appropriate headings and sub-headings).
- Do not submit articles that unreasonably promote either yourself or another company.
- As a guideline, articles should be at least 1200 words. Exceptions may be made for some articles.
Please note that not all submitted articles will be published. Accepted articles may be edited by us, prior or after publication, at our sole discretion. This is done to fix grammar, or to make the article comply with guidelines and integrate better with Get Green Now.
Submit Your Article:
Send me an email at hugh@get-green-now.com with the file containing your article attached. Ideas or concepts can also be emailed to me prior to writing an article for approval.