5 Benefits of an Off-Grid Solar Power System (The Pros)
Sustainable Living

5 Benefits of an Off-Grid Solar Power System (The Pros)

Many people are shifting to renewable and clean energy to power up their homes, due to the fact that they can help keep the environment clean and healthy while spending less money on electricity. People switching to solar power are presented with a choice to either stay on the grid with a grid-tied solar system,…

Why Residents need Waste Removal Services in London
Sponsored Post

Why Residents need Waste Removal Services in London

Much emphasis is being laid on waste management in the safest way possible. Rubbish clearance in London is of course a big task that requires lots of planning and knowledge to maintain the balance of the environment, and to make the process cost effective. Waste removal plays a vital role in the cleanliness drive of London (or any city, for…

Geothermal Energy vs. Ground Source Heat Pumps: What’s the Difference?

Geothermal Energy vs. Ground Source Heat Pumps: What’s the Difference?

There is widespread confusion between the terminology of geothermal energy and ground source heat pumps, also known by their acronym, GSHPs. This confusion is understandable when we consider that the two terms are used almost interchangeably, particularly in North America. There is also a true similarity between the two energy solutions in that both harness…

The Impact of Toilet Paper on the Environment (Effects & Facts)

The Impact of Toilet Paper on the Environment (Effects & Facts)

We use toilet paper every day in the western world, and it’s something that we barely think about. So, I started wondering: how does our use of toilet paper affect the environment? After toilet paper is flushed, it will eventually biodegrade. This means that unless there is a leak in your sewage system, toilet paper…

11 Simple Ways to Reduce Your Ecological Footprint
Sustainable Living

11 Simple Ways to Reduce Your Ecological Footprint

Your ecological footprint is the impact of your lifestyle choices or activities measured in terms of the land required to sustain your use of natural resources.  If everyone on Earth lived like the average American, we would need 4 Earths worth of land to sustain humanity (BBC). This is very telling of the changes that…

How Does Plastic Pollution Enter the Ocean? (Explained)

How Does Plastic Pollution Enter the Ocean? (Explained)

A large amount of the plastic that we produce ends up polluting the the environment, in particular our oceans. Much of the plastic that we use eventually reaches the ocean, collecting in garbage piles like the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. In fact, between 4.8 and 12.7 million metric tonnes of plastic ends up in the…

Solar Roof Tiles: Everything You Need to Know (Solar Shingles)

Solar Roof Tiles: Everything You Need to Know (Solar Shingles)

When it comes to making your home self-sustainable, the first concept that goes through most people’s minds are solar panels. However, there’s another way to make your home produce solar energy – the concept of solar roof tiles, also known as solar shingles. So, what exactly are solar roof tiles? Solar roof tiles (or solar…

How to Make Money from Solar Panels (Intro for Beginners)

How to Make Money from Solar Panels (Intro for Beginners)

With electricity prices expected to rise over the coming years, homeowners are searching for ways to save on utility bills. As trends are shifting towards incorporating sustainable energy sources into daily life, many are considering investing in solar energy. Not only does it provide a way to reduce the expense on bills, but it can…

How does a Vegan Lifestyle Impact your Carbon Footprint?
Sustainable Living

How does a Vegan Lifestyle Impact your Carbon Footprint?

Adopting a vegan lifestyle means that you abstain from eating any kind of animal product and also avoid using any products that were derived from an animal. The vegan lifestyle is most often recognized with dietary implementations, cutting out not just meat, but also eggs and dairy products. While it can be a large lifestyle…

Why is E-Waste Management Important in 2019?
Sustainable Living | Technology

Why is E-Waste Management Important in 2019?

This year, the world will see the highest rates of electronic waste in history. Unfortunately, our infrastructure for dealing with e-waste has not caught up to the rapid growth and innovation of the modern electronics industry. As a responsible consumer, it is important to do your part and prevent old electronics from becoming hazardous electronic…